Types of Pranayama
Pranayama refers to the regulation and control of breathing techniques in yoga. There are various types of pranayama techniques that help increase our lung capacity, calm our mind, and boost our overall well-being. Here are some of the most common pranayama breaths types in yoga:
1. Ujjayi Pranayama - Ujjayi is also known as "ocean breath" as the inhales and exhales sound like waves of the ocean. This technique involves inhaling through the nose and exhaling through the mouth while constricting the throat muscles to create a soft hissing sound.
2. Nadi Shodhan Pranayama - Nadi Shodhan, also known as alternate nostril breathing, is a balancing and calming practice that helps clear the energy channels in our body. This technique involves using the thumb and ring finger to alternate blocking one nostril while inhaling and exhaling through the other.
3. Kapalabhati Pranayama - Kapalabhati is a dynamic breathing technique that cleanses our respiratory system and enhances mental clarity. This technique involves forcefully exhaling air through the nose with quick, short bursts while inhaling passively.